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What is the best time to do the gap filling?


Although the construction of floor tile filling cannot affect the progress of the entire project, it is necessary to find the right time to do it to achieve the best results.

Nowadays, there are still many people who think that after the floor tiles are laid, they can do the gap filling of the tiles. In fact, there are some misunderstandings.

Why Can't Do Tile Grout Just After Laying Floor Tiles?

1. Avoid arching floor tiles and hollow tiles

After the tiles are laid, the mixed mortar and adhesive below have not been completely dried, and must be placed for a period of time to fully cure to ensure the stability and firmness of the tiles. If you do the gap filling of the tiles at this time, because the floor tiles are not firm, the possibility of hollowing and arching of the tiles in the future is relatively high.

2. Guaranteed beautiful sewing effect

When making gap filling of tiles, people frequently step on the tiles, and the floor tiles will inevitably be slightly deformed. The effect of the gap filling made in this way is not very good, and it is very likely to produce protrusions or depressions.

3. When is it more appropriate to do gap filling on tiles?

The best time to make tile gap filling is when the interior decoration is basically completed, one week after the tiles are laid, and before the furniture enters the venue.

At this time, the process of carpentry decoration and painting process is over, and no dust or construction waste will be generated in future construction;

The furniture was not transported into the venue, and a complete space was reserved, which provided a good environment for making ceramic tiles. So, this is the best time to do it.

4. Things to pay attention to are:

If the wall needs to be done the gap filling, it should be done before installing cabinets and shower equipment. In this way, the trouble of future construction can be avoided, and the integrity of the gap filling of the tiles at the joints can also be guaranteed.

The small details that need to be paid attention to when making gap filling:

A. The seams must be cleared before the tiles gap filling. It is recommended to use a vacuum cleaner to vacuum the floor, and then use a rag to wipe off the debris on the surface and gaps of the floor tiles. It must be completely cleaned, otherwise the filled gap of the tiles will easily form black edges in the future, which is ugly.

B. It is recommended to make gap filling with sealant on the ground and wall that are not often rubbed, and to make epoxy tile grout in the place where the sun is often exposed. It is economical and effective to use together.

C. No matter which material you choose to make tile gap filling, the color must be similar to the tone of the floor tiles. Otherwise, no matter how good the workmanship is, the beautiful joints of the tiles will be hard to describe!

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