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Why there is black edges after gap fillimg


The reason for the Tile Gap black edge

If there is black edges after the gap filling. CUALI reminds you, you must have not done this step-clean seam.


1. Use professional tools to clean up the impurities in the gap

When cleaning seams, professional tools should be used, such as seam cleaning cones, shovel knives, gray knives, utility knives, etc. The gaps must be cleaned deeply to remove all impurities attached to the tiles.


2. Use a vacuum cleaner to suck up the deep part of the surface of the gap

Use a high-power vacuum cleaner to vacuum repeatedly to ensure that the dust is cleaned. If you don't have a high-power vacuum cleaner, you can also use a brush to clean up the impurities and dust, and then wipe the gaps with a towel! 


3. Make sure the gap is dry

The environment is relatively humid, and the beautifying agent made at this time will absorb water, which will affect the cohesive force of the beautifying seam, resulting in whitening and discoloration of the beautifying seam.


4. Latter maintenance of gap filling

After the gap filling construction, normally, it takes 24 hours before you can touch water and walk. In daily life, the filled gap should not come into contact with corrosive chemicals such as strong acids and alkalis.


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